Road Construction


Riding on the train gives you a lot of time to scan the scenery and think.  As the train passed several construction sights I caught a glimpse, a vision really, of the great vision and work that goes into creating a great city. Each city, road and building begins with an idea, plans are drawn and executed until slowly but surely those things that were once just a picture in one's mind become reality. The twisted wire, wood, concrete and other material becomes a "spaghetti bowl" of roads masterly designed to fit millions of people going every which way or a grand building designed to look strong and powerful as well as being safe, secure and efficient for the people who will work and build relationships and make new ideas and plans for something better and greater than what was just created.
Looking at the construction going on outside the train window it was hard to fathom the grand picture the designer has in mind.  This image doesn't look anything like a road or bridge or a building. I wondered if the workers bending, twisting and molding each piece of wire have any idea of what the big picture looks like.  Do they know that while their part may be small it is vital to the final complete creation that was once just an idea in the master mind of a great civil engineer. Would knowing the big picture help these workers find more meaning and understanding in their daily work?  Would it be easier to get up in the morning and even invigorating if they woke up each day knowing they would play a key part in creating a beautiful city for people to grow and learn and love and laugh in?

And then it hit me: 
We are in the creation process.  A grand Father in Heaven has planned out every detail and now we are on this earth in the beginning stages of his blueprint. Each day our "metal frame" is being twisted and molded.  Concrete is being poured and slowly but surely the vision of who we are is becoming more clear everyday. Do we realize the beautiful being God is making us into? He is the master artist, architect and engineer.  There is no better and we can be sure that, regardless of what we look like and perform like right now, we are going to become something great. Our perspective must be eternal. We must remember that this life is not the end.  There is more to our finishing and refining that still needs to be done and it will be done.
It may help us to remember, when we find ourselves caught up in the daily grind, that we are just a work in progress.  We are not finished yet. Picture in your mind the beautiful design God intends for you to be. A God or Goddess on his right hand, filled with His glory and creating worlds of our own. We are meant to be something so much greater than we can comprehend.
It may also help to remember that while we are in the working stages of greatness that we quite literally are playing a vital role in others lives as we interact with one another we are creating environments for people to feel love and joy. Our part is to help create safe places for all of us to feel pain and sorrow - a place to work threw the twisting of metal, pounding of jack hammers and carving and cutting of machinery in to the very soil of our beings. It is not easy to create a big city and we need support from every place and person possible.  In our everyday actions and interactions we are helping to build and create each other as we become what God has in mind for all of us. This picture helps us get out of bed and want to be a little better and do a little better each day. Wouldn't it be easier to get up in the morning and even invigorating if we woke up each day knowing we are all playing a key part in creating a beautiful masterpiece where people are growing and learning and loving and laughing and BECOMING?
