The Road of Life

I hate driving because I feel like it is such a waist of time, so I try to find something to do while I drive; much to the chagrin of my passengers, I usually spend my time thinking (and not about driving). I often watch the cars all around me and think, “Where in the world can all these cars be going?” There are so many people going so many different places, each with a different itinerary, agenda and purpose!  It boggles my mind.
One day while driving I saw this truck driving in front of me (refer to pic above), and I knew something was a bit off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it at first. Then it hit me – THEY HAVE A WHEEL MISSING! I laughed out loud.  I couldn’t believe it. I started to think – how many of us are driving around in this life with a missing wheel? And I had a good little chuckle with myself.

I was quickly distracted by the sign of a gas station up a head and remembered my purpose for driving at this very moment which was: Get gas immediately or you will be stranded at the side of the road! I quickly changed lanes and pulled into the station to fill up.  As the gas was pumping into my car, I again had a moment to look around and think.  There were a lot of people lined up to fill up their tanks.  It occurred to me that, quite frankly, anyone who drives has to take time to fill their gas tanks.  No matter what road they are on.  No matter where they are going.  No matter how many tires they have.  No matter what car they drive or how much it cost. They all have to fill up with gas eventually (or stop and recharge).

In this life, we are all so drastically different. We all have different places we are going; different agendas and each of us have a different purpose here on this earth.  But no matter how different we are ALL of us, at one point or another, will have to take some time fill our gas tanks, replace a tire, get an oil change and sometimes even get a whole new engine. At these points in our life, perhaps a simple fill up or maybe when a pit stop is necessary, let’s remember that it is important to do what needs to be done to get back on the road and reach our destination.  Get the gas, replace the tire, borrow a car – do whatever it takes to get back on the road.

It is also important to remember that while we need to take time to take care of our needs, others need that time also and they are not always running in the best of conditions.  Let’s be gentle with ourselves and others and help them get back on the road instead of contributing to the road rage and heavy traffic problems of life.

It just occurred to me that when I take time to take care of my car on a regular basis I find that I have fewer “car problems” or at least that I am more aware of them and prepared to take care of them when they happen.  I think our lives are much like this as well. When we take time to put those things that are most important first – when we keep our gas filled and our gauges checked we avoid more serious problems and are better able to deal with bigger problems that are unavoidable.

This post has been very therapeutic for me today…  I have spent a week (okay fine - the month of Feb.) whining and complaining about how I am simply running on fumes.  I am low on fuel and I am confident that there are other some spark plugs that need to be switched out. I have not taken the time to identify or even care about what is wrong I just keep driving and complaining about the drive.  Today, I am putting two and two together and realizing that I have not kept up my exercise routine; I have not been planning my days and finding a purpose beyond the task list; I am not praying or reading my scriptures with the same fervor and zeal that I have in the past; the bottom line is, I have not been refueling with top of the line gas – I’m just going on fumes and then complaining that the car isn’t functioning properly. It’s time to take time to get my oil changed and take time to pull into Chevron and fill up more regularly so I can get back on the road and enjoy this crazy ride we call life!

Finding ways to enjoy the ride through all kinds of terrain and scenery is what living a wholehearted life is all about!
